Best-friends Share!

These local Indy businesses will help you get the Valentine’s day experiences you want for your love, be it your spouse or your littles. With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching I know most of us are looking for either something to do or something to get for our loved ones.

In our house, we love to share the day with our daughters (if your new here we have 6 girls ranging from age 14-6mo) We love to see their faces when they wake up on love day.

We do crafts, eat chocolate, and set a table just for them every year. You can see some of the crafts I picked for this year at  20 Valentine’s Day For Kids And  Free Printable Activities For Kids. 

I try to keep them as a keepsake to share with them when they get older. 

Make sure you follow along on IG to see the table and the girl’s faces when they wake up on that Sunday. 

Now let’s get to this list of local businesses that can help you get the look and feel you want for Valentine’s Day!

Local Indianapolis Businesses To Shop For Your Valentine

Valentines Day Shop

Shop this list of mostly women, locally-owned businesses for you or your valentine.

Each time you support a local business remember you are also supporting local families . Behind each local business is someone working hard for your business.

Make sure you join my email list for free printables and local list just like this one. I cant wait to connect with you!