30 things to do with your daughter to foster a deep relationship with her as she grows into a woman.The mother-daughter relationship means so much to me. I want to connect with my girls, so when they grow into women; we grow into friends. This means a lot to me due to my own upbringing , I write a raw letter to my daughters The Broken Mom . Detailing why doing things with them is so important to me.
Here in the Woolfork house, we have 5 daughters. Yes, a whole stating five, a whole hand full and a whole lot of hair. In saying that I have to take time out to really connect on a personal level with each of my daughters.

In learning about each of them I have found ways that we can all be together and connect. As, if you have kids at all its hard to personally connect with each of them as they are all so different. I am ofetn in awe of God, how did he use the same two people to make these VERY different girls.
We have a wide array of ages in our home as well so this list is encompassing and a collective of all ages. Our girls are 13,11,9,4 and 1. (insert crazy face).
10 Things To Do With Your Daughter

1.) Pray– Yes. I want my girls to know they always have someone praying with and for them. During our time in prayer, I ask that each of them pray for me too. I want them to know that God doesn’t discriminate and that he listens to them just as much as he listens to me.
Deep Relationship: I hope this lets the girls know that I can also be vulnerable in front of them. Letting them know that I am a superwoman but I also make mistakes. And must ask for forgiveness from our father.
2.) Create– One of the most fun things we do together is create. We think of fund songs, crafts even content for the blog. This gives me a little insight into what they like and how they work together as a team. We also discuss what they create. Wondering what we could have done better or if we love it the way it is.
Deep Relationship: This lets them know that I respect their opinion and that we can work together. Even if it’s not the best idea, I take the time to listen and write it down for consideration.
3.) Volunteer– We love, to love in our family. What better way to show the love of God than to give. As a minster, I speak in many different settings. Church, women’s meetings even jail and halfway houses. I bring the girls with me, sometimes we all go. Other times I’ll just take one or two girls to dig a little deeper with them.
Deep Relationship: When we volunteer we are all in. This lets the girls know they must be kind. Giving them notes that we all may need a helping hand one day. Even mom or dad.
4.) Coco Or Coffee Date: Going out with my girls lets them know spending time together is important to me. Even if it’s a sitting down to one of our fav drinks and chatting for only 20min.
Deep Relationship: This lets my daughters know that no matter how busy we get… there is always time for us.
5.) Color: I know this seems really childish but it’s really calming and fun to color together. With our big age range coloring quickly becomes a contest for us. (With daddy as a judge) This is great to do on one of those rainy days or when it’s super cold out.
Deep Relationship: Coloring together lets them know that no matter what they want to do I’m interested.
6.) Shopping: The quintessential mother-daughter activity of course shopping is on the lits of things. We all love to shop for things we want. For me, things don’t mean just shopping for clothes together. But, making a list of items that we want and looking for them.
Deep Relationship: Shopping is always a special time for me. Watching my daughters work through items they want and need. When they ask for me for pion my heart leaps with joy. Hopefully, this fosters for them to let me in on their decision making when they are older.
7.) Take A Walk: I will tell you that it is a hard push for me to get my girls to go on a walk with me. But, when we do they love it. I’m not just saying that we started taking hikes together. We schdule them and make sure that we sign up from them with our girl scouts troop.
Deep Relationship: Schdule a weekly mother-daughter date to exercise together. Staying fit and active lets them know that we care about being here for them for the long haul.
8.) Worship: Worship helps us to connects us on a deeper level. God is in the midst. I pray that when are in the presence of God, that he keeps us and guides in our mother-daughter relationship. Spending quality time with God helps me to spend quality time with my daughters
Deep Relationship: This goes back to the vulnerability factor that I discussed earlier. Worship is so personal letting others in becomes a showing of your true colors.
9.) Eat: Breaking bread together always lets out some fun covo and even a fav spot to stop. I have a favorite spot to eat with each of my girls be it ice cream or a really yummy dinner. This gives us the best things to give a quick wink with each other when we pass of think about it.
Deep Relationship: Jesus broke bread with those he loved and created a meal from nothing. I know that this brings us closer together, for that reason alone.
10. Laugh: I love to laugh and giggle even have a long belly laugh that hurts and makes me cry. These moments you can schedule or make up they just happen. Make sure that you are deep in that moment. These will be the moments you think back on that make you feel warm inside.
There are many more things to do with your daughter that will foster a deep relationship with her. Another one that we really love is road trips or even starting a mother-daughter journal that dates back to when she could only draw circles and lines.
Overall, stay in the moment with her. Pay attention to the details of even the little things your daughter says. This will foster a deep relationship and give your even more things to do with your daughter.
The All Purpose Woman.
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